The dating scene is brutal, and something as simple as being the one to text first could put you in a vulnerable position. So if you’re ready to take that plunge and reach new heights in your relationship, make sure to check out relationship expert James Bauer’s invaluable advice. Sometimes our feelings can get in the way of our common sense and we end up doing things without thinking them through first. Sometimes guys who are really into us will start to act shyer around us when they realize they have been acting too cool with us.

Now don’t misunderstand what I’m trying to say here. You can use words like LOL occasionally, but do not go overboard and turn your entire conversation filled with abbreviation and emojis. Using shortcuts may help you in life, but making every word into an abbreviation will only do more bad for you than good.

I would really like it if you initiated them sometimes. In any relationship, taking care of ourselves is key. Doing what makes us feel good and pursuing our own goals and dreams is what brings happiness. Exercise, spend time in nature, listen to music, read and keep feeding your soul. When we nurture ourselves through self-care, self-love and self-acceptance, everything else falls into place. In romantic relationships, it’s important to know what you want.

If he’s really interested in dating you seriously, he’ll step up his conversation game and text you when he’s got something interesting and important to say. If you haven’t defined the relationship with someone, you don’t really know if they’re interested in having a serious relationship with you or not — well, not 100%. That’s where checking out their behavior, such as when it comes to their texting habits, comes in handy and is important so you don’t waste your time. If you feel like you’re asking him to hang out too often, then there’s a chance you might be right about yourself.

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You know you love it when the guy you’re dating asks you questions about your life and interests, so why wouldn’t you reciprocate? Asking questions about his job, his family, his hobbies, or his day is an excellent strategy in how to text a guy to keep him interested. By showing your own interest in his life, he is reassured that you dig him, and he’ll respond in kind. Of course, circumstances play a big role in determining why your girlfriend or boyfriend never texts first, and some things are out of their control.

Sure, you want to lock down that unicorn once you catch him, but sometimes less is more. So, don’t chicken out when you don’t see any messages when you first wake up. While this article will shed light on the main reasons he isn’t initiating contact, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation. Perhaps he really likes you, but he doesn’t want to show you that, yet, so that’s why he just replies and never initiates contact.

He Only Texts

It’s like he’s preventing you from gaining access to the rest of his life, which isn’t a sign of someone who wants a real relationship. Dating in today’s fast-paced, competitive world can be a real challenge, as can decoding a man’s true feelings. Hopefully, this article would have provided some valuable insight into your concerns. That doesn’t mean you’re “not good enough”, of course. It just means that he hasn’t decided yet, and isn’t ready to commit.


In reality, they are scared or intimidated by your strong personality. His insecurities could also play in the back of his mind and hinder him from starting a conversation on the text. Sometimes he is hesitant to initiate conversations because of a previous relationship. Maybe he was cheated on by a partner or was in an abusive relationship. Being able to connect with a girl and see things from her perspective is a great way to keep her interested.

Another factor here would be how you are doing career-wise. If you are at the beginning of your career or you are working hard to bring a start-up, the girl might be demotivated. She might be thinking of someone who can look after her, give her stability, or is a professional of sorts. A girl can respond to a text because you have taken the initiative to make a conversation. However, she may neither continue the text nor take the initiative herself because she didn’t feel a need to do it.

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Plus, this keeps you from wasting his time, since you have no idea what he’s in the middle of when he receives your text. Learning how to text a guy to keep him interested means you’ll need to pay attention to patterns and tempos. Be observant and you’ll soon see that he texts you at the same time every day. Okay, you know I don’t advocate playing games in dating, but this isn’t really a game. It’s more of a strategy that will help you down the road.

Dating is hard, and so many of us worry about whether we’ll be liked in real life and not just on Tinder. We panic that the person we really like might not actually like us that much and is going to reject us. Of course, I know I lucked out scoring a friend from what was supposed to be a random hookup 6 years ago. And he’s understanding about my reservations and crap; sometimes I think more than I deserve. Not only that, you’ll have a chance to socialize and chat with them. Open your horizons and, you might surprise yourself with what you may find.

It could have been a promising prospect you met online, it could have been your boyfriend of five months, it could have been your fiancé. As much as we try not to initiate out of fear of appearing desperate or needy, a really interested woman would swallow her pride and do it anyway. However, if you’d like to gauge her interest and prompt a change, I would suggest making a telephone call to her and ask her out.

Some people are very self-conscious when it comes to other people’s time. It may be a result of upbringing, personal convictions, or past experiences. Either way, they would rather have you text them so they’re sure you’re free. It’s because both parties took out time to really get to know each other. My advice, before you decide to date anyone, anyone at all, go in with zero expectations and build them as you get to know them better.

You can send him a photo of the movie you are watching or the place you are visiting. This will make him more connected with you and also let him know that you are not just lying around waiting for his message. There are also chances that he might want to know how your day was once you are free.