Do they have coping skills to use and if not, would they be open to learning about some? Your partner does not need to cure their depression in any sense of the word, and frankly, it is unrealistic to expect any kind of quick fix. The key is to take small, persistent steps to gradually feel better, not good all at once.

When you are dating someone with depression, you are part of their team that gives them support, understanding, consideration and empathy. However, you cannot give a loved one objective advice like a therapist. Depression is the most common mental illness in our current modern times. And it has made dating someone with depression a circumstance that people are trying to figure out in increasing numbers. When you have a cold or you’re sick, do you feel like socializing with others?

It requires tapping into a strong sense of confidence and honoring your needs. And, yes, you can tell them to hold onto your number for after they seek help, she says. “People can get into situations that are absolutely heartbreaking five or 10 years down the road,” says Bobby. If you’re struggling to communicate with your partner, try writing your feelings down in a letter or setting aside some time every single week to talk. It’s also important to remember that you are not responsible for your partner’s treatment or recovery, and that you can be supportive and encouraging while also taking care of yourself.

So, from time to time, put yourself first and don’t feel guilty about it. Be sensitive and understanding and talk openly about your feelings. Rather than trying to force them into sharing their feelings, show that you care and love them by asking how they’re feeling. By taking that first step, you can deepen your connection while making sure they feel safe and accepted. Talk with your partner about coping strategies that can help you both navigate the symptoms of their depression. Ask them what they need from you to feel more supported and cared for.

Overview of Depression

You need to work and look at other aspects of your relationship to make the relationship work for both of you. Invest time and effort into meeting your partner’s physical, emotional, sexual, and social needs. You might feel responsible and obligated to stay in the relationship, even if you no longer feel happy.

Recognizing If Someone You’re Dating Has Depression

You can’t fully support your girlfriend if you aren’t at your best, so make sure to practice good self-care. If you and your girlfriend feel like the issue is causing problems in yours, you can try couples or relationship counseling. Behavioral Couple Therapy, for instance, is a developing form of counseling that can help couples learn to care for each other and reduce conflict.

Talkspace offers online therapy in the form of couples therapy or individualized therapy to help you get started. Everyone feels sad from time to time, but depression is different than normal mood fluctuations. It is pervasive and disruptive and compromises one’s ability to engage in life the way they want. Understanding the reality of depression is vital to being a good ally as you embark on your relationship. Also, remember that each person’s experience is unique and take care not to make assumptions about the person you’re dating.

Secondly, every person you meet with depression will be at a different point in their recovery. Some may have just been diagnosed; others will have been living with the condition for years. As such, every experience of dating someone with depression will be different.

Sometimes you just can’t help someone with depression

Maybe your partner regularly cancels plans when they feel low, which you completely understand. The challenge lies in the fact that they want you to skip out, too. You set a boundary by telling them that unless it’s an emergency, you’ll go ahead with the plans you made. Instead, try, “Have you thought about talking to someone?

In contrast, a person with depression can’t “turn off” negative feelings when the conversation is over. Instead, a depressed person absorbs the negativity and internalizes it. Those negative thoughts and symptoms linger on long after you’ve said goodbye.